IT Solutions Company| IT Services Company| AGN

Make Your Competition Irrelevant

Imagine being able to have your business show up in Google right at that moment when your prospects, your customers, start searching. Learn more.

Search Box Optimization That Beat your Competition

Before your prospect or customer hit Enter on Google search, before your competition can even be seen, your business will show up in the one place that has 100 % of your customer’s attention. This technique is unique and called as Search Box Optimization 

Results in 2-3 months

Get results in 2-3 months as compare to SEO that gets result in 6 months if done correctly Search Box Optimization is your answer

Google's First Page Search is Yours

Google's First page is all yours with this strategy. Get SBO done.

Highest CTR in industry

Click Through Rate CTR is ratio of clicks on a specific link to the number of times.

A Real Case Study of SBO for Our Company

Test Google’s auto-suggest for our company AGN Computer LLC yourself.

Follow the step 

1- Open If you are outside UAE then you need to go to

2- Type IT Solutions Dubai. You will find our company auto-suggested by Google

3- Enter and you will now find the whole first page of Google is only talking about us and there is no competition.

4- Can’t find us on using Search Box Optimization (SBO) or want SBO for your business contact us 

Cut Your Competition

Remove your competition from google search by taking over the autosuggestions

Brand Building

Imagine getting your brand endorsement by Google which only Big brands get.

Start Getting Results in 2-3 months

Unlike traditional SEO this strategy works faster and depending on volume of keyword the keywords are autosuggested

SBO v/s SEO v/s Paid Ads

Comparison between SEO, SBO, Paid Ads

Download Business Strategy Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

How SBO can help my business?

Oh, we’ve got a smorgasbord of services lined up for you! From cloud infrastructure and networking to data management and security, we’ve got it all covered. Step into the world of AGN Computers and discover a realm of endless possibilities.

Well, let’s break it down for you. Picture a world where Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) come together to create a cloud utopia. That’s exactly what we offer, a gateway to the future of business operations.

Imagine a canvas where you can paint your business operations with the colors of efficiency, innovation, and security. That’s what our cloud technology solutions are all about, a canvas where your business dreams come to life.

In the grand scheme of things, the big players in the cloud world are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. But hey, we’re here to give them a run for their money, offering solutions that are just as fabulous, if not better!

Ready to embark on a Google's 1st Page where only you are dominating?

Give AGN Computers a shout and step into a world where your business is dominating the whole Google search results.
