Empowering Your Team for Profitability of your Business with us, Dubai’s Premier Zoho Consulting Team
في AGN، نحن نفهم أن هذا ناجح تنفيذ برنامج زوهو لا يتعلق الأمر فقط بالتخصيص؛ يتعلق الأمر بتمكين فريقك من الاستفادة من الإمكانات الكاملة لمجموعة Zoho. ولهذا السبب، نقدم خدمات تدريب شاملة للموظفين بعد تخصيص مجموعة Zoho لشركتك.
من خلال تدريب موظفيك على Zoho، فإنك تستثمر في نجاح فريقك وفي نهاية المطاف عملك
سيؤدي التدريب على مجموعة Zoho إلى تبسيط العمليات وزيادة الإنتاجية وتحسين الربحية
تساعد استشاراتنا في Zoho على تزويد الفرق بالمهارات والمعرفة اللازمة لتبسيط العمليات
Being a Zoho Partner enables our business to provide thorough, customized solutions for all of Zoho’s app store. Being a Zoho Partner gives us exclusive access to cutting-edge resources, committed customer service, and the most recent upgrades, allowing us to provide our clients improved productivity, smooth integration, and personalized services. Through this relationship, we will be better equipped to provide innovative cloud solutions that help businesses increase growth, enhance collaboration, and streamline operations. You can rely on us to provide the best Zoho solutions to suit your company’s needs. Contact us now for Zoho software
اتصل الآن +971585815887 for Zoho Training and implementation by Zoho experts
يعد تدريب المحاسب في عملك أمرًا بالغ الأهمية حتى يتمكنوا من إخراج التقارير الصحيحة.
لا يكتمل تنفيذ Zoho CRM بدون تدريب الموظفين. نحن نؤمن بالأشخاص الذين يجلبون الربحية.
Having concise and right reporting about human resources involved in your business is the most important and crucial part that is provided by Zoho People.
أنت تفكر ونحن ننفذ! نحن نتعامل مع الطريقة التي تريد أن يكون عليها عملك، ونقدم لك حلولاً مخصصة.
The operations team requires training the most as they are the backbone of the team. Invest in the success of your team by giving them the right tools and training.
Reduce the costs by finding smarter ways to achieve more in your existing ZOHO setup by learning about new features of ZOHO solutions that are provided in your existing license.
من خلال اختيار خدمات تدريب الموظفين من Zoho، فإنك تستثمر في نجاح فريقك وفي نهاية المطاف عملك. مع الحق زوهو للاستشارات، يمكنك العثور على التدريب المناسب لموظفيك
Our team of experienced Zoho trainers and consultants are experts in their field. We provide online as well as on-site Zoho training in Dubai
نحن نؤمن بأن كل عمل تجاري فريد من نوعه، وكذلك احتياجاتك التدريبية.
نحن نؤمن بالنهج العملي للتدريب. تم تصميم جلساتنا لتوفير تجربة عملية مع مجموعة Zoho، مما يسمح لموظفيك بتطبيق ما تعلموه في سيناريوهات العالم الحقيقي.
Depending on the nature of the training. If the business process is implemented by us, we will provide training to the staff on the software that we have customized for them. However, if the business is contacting us to understand how CRM can benefit their business process, this type of training is more related to a consultancy. Conversely, Zoho CRM training for developers offers a comprehensive solution that encompasses customization, automation, data management, sales process management, reporting, connectors, user administration, mobile application usage, and best practices.
Yes, we have specialized training available for CRM administrators to enable, disable, or modify the rights of CRM users based on their roles and set up fundamental business-related attributes in CRM.
Zoho CRM training can attended by business owners, sales professionals, CRM administrators, and end-users.
يمكن للمحاسبين والمتخصصين الماليين وأصحاب الأعمال حضور دورة Zoho Book.
The ZOHO books training are of two kinds. One is technical training, in which we assist customers in comprehending the various features of ZOHO Books that can be used to simplify their business accounting. The second training session is primarily focused on the process of accounting. It is conducted by a ZOHO-specialized accountant who will be available to address inquiries regarding accounting, with a lesser emphasis on technical aspects.
No, it is not completely free, but ZOHO consultation is free. Feel free to contact us for ZOHO consultation or training
It includes different aspects of the software, from التخصيص والأتمتة وإدارة البيانات, end-user trianing and reporting anything can be customized based on the client requirement.
نعم، تقدم Zoho موارد تدريبية وندوات عبر الإنترنت مجانًا.
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